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Melissa Murray returns from her rescue trip. Rich Allain is thankful for a great '23 and expects more from '24. And Dave Richards will not run for President. In Color.

Coffee An' for December 29, 2023

Local attorney Bob Larder, Sue Tessier-MacKenzie of the Call & Times, and Dave Richards don't even try to solve the world's problems today, but the engaging conversation flows anyway. In Color.

Coffee An' for December 28, 2023

Tim Draper from Navigant Credit Union and Dave Richards discuss what's wrong with the world and how to fix it. In Color.

Coffee An' for December 27, 2023

Linda Thibault and Dave Richards review the year, Christmas, and the world's prospects for surviving another year. In Color.

Coffee An' for December 26, 2023

Joe Callahan, Melissa Murray, and Dave Richards discuss the news of the day.

Coffee An' for December 22, 2023

Atty. Bob Larder, Sue McKenzie from the BV Call and Times & Woonsocket City Council VP Vallerie Gonzalez join Joe Callahan.

Coffee An' for December 21, 2023

Gov. Dan McKee, Tim Draper from Navigant Credit Union, Melissa Smith from St. Antoine Communities & John Ward join Joe Callahan.

Coffee An' for December 20, 2023

Ed Careau from The Careau Investment Group & Dave Richards join Joe Callahan

Coffee An' for December 19, 2023

Woonsocket City Council President John Ward, Melissa Murray & Dave Richards join Joe Callahan.

Coffee An' for December 18, 2023

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