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Atty. Bob Larder, Dave Richards & WPD Chief Thomas Oates join Joe Callahan.

Coffee An' for October 23, 2024

Well, somebody goofed at the station and we have all three programs on one big file for you. Enjoy!

Coffee An', CommunityCconnections, and Do You Remember?

Eddie plays "Show and Tell" with vinyl records, and Lee "The Scribe" assists Gary organize the memories today.

Do You Remember ?

Linda Thibaault & Bill Murray & Dave Richards join Joe Callahan.

Coffee An' for October 22, 2024

Jeanne Michon from New Beginnings & Giana Savastano, MGR of Woonsocket's Board of Canvasserss & Registration & Dave Richards join Joe Callahan.

Coffee An' for October 21, 2024

The Friday Crew sets sail for good time and good memories. In today's episode, the crew welcomes a new member........Eddie and Marie introduce their adorable new kitten. In Color.

Do You Remember ?

moose and greg called

Kevin's Sports Show

Rich Allain & Dave Richards join Joe Callahan

Coffee An' for October 17, 2024

Atty. Bob Larder & Tom Ward join Joe Callahan.

Coffee An' for October 17, 2024

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Woonsocket, RI 02895-6332