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Atty. Bob Larder, Emily Haning-Sheehan from The Call & Gary Smith join Joe Callahan.

Coffee An for February 2, 2023

Atty. Bob Larder, Emily Hanin-Sheehan from The Call, Scott McGee from Stearns / McGee Team of ReMax Properties with Angela Moon join Joe Callahan.

Coffee An' for January 26, 2023

Tim draper from Navigant Credit Union, Melissa Smith from St. Antoine Communities & John Ward join Joe Callahan.

Coffee An' for January 25, 2023

Ed Careau from The Careau Investment Group, Linda Thibault & Gary Smith join Joe Callahan.

Coffee An' for January 24, 2023

Melissa Murray & Dave Richards join Joe Callahan

Coffee An' for January 23, 2023

On this week's episode Paul and Ben welcome surprise guest co-host Valerie Lafaso, to talk with Danielle Silverman and John Biggerstaff, to talk about the late Nigel Kerner and grey alien's taking souls.

Behind the Paranormal with Paul and Ben Eno

Ellis Cooper & Sam Lawrence from The Boys & Girls Club of Northern RI, Rich Allain from Post 85, Melissa Murray & Dave Richards join Joe Callahan.

Coffee An' for January 20, 2023

Atty. Bob Larder, Emily Haning-Sheehan from The Call & Scott McGee from McGee/Stearns Remax join Joe Callahan.

Coffee An' for January 19, 2023

Tim Draper from Navigant Credit Union, Melissa Smith from St. Antoine Communities & John Ward join Joe Callahan.

Coffee An' for January 18, 2023

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