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On this week's episode, Paul and Ben welcome back Earl Grey Anderson to talk about MUFON and ERT.

Behind the Paranormal with Paul and Ben Eno

Dave Richards and Melissa Murray are joined by Meg Rego and Kemily Henry from the Levitt AMP concerts to discuss tonight's concert and then Rich Allain drops by to tell us what's happening at AMVETS Post 85.

Coffee An' for August 4, 2023

Attorney Bob Larder, Sue Tessier MacKensie from The Call and The Times, and Moderator Dave Richards were joined by the Director of the Woonsocket Public Works Department, Steve D'Agostino, who gave us an enlightening update on the ongoing public works projects in the city.

Coffee An' for August 3, 2023

Concerns for the younger generation were discussed in today's show, along with the 5,000 layoffs at CVS by panelists Melissa Smith and Tim Draper. Dave Richards moderates. In color.

Coffee An' for August 2, 2023

Linda Thibault and Ed Careau join Dave Richards to discuss Sabina Matos, Electric Cars, and Executive Orders, among other news topics of the day.............

Coffee An' for August 1, 2023

With Joe Callahan on vacation this week, Dave Richards is joined by Melissa Murray and Romeo Berthiaume for lively conversation on the news of the day....

Coffee An' for July 31, 2023

On this week's episode, Paul and Ben welcome back friend of the show Marc D'antonio to talk about exoplanets and the scientific side of life in the universe.

Behind the Paranormal with Paul and Ben Eno

WHS Class of 1978 Reunion Committee, Meg Rego, Melissa Murray, Rich Allain from Post 85 & Dave Richards join Joe Callahan.

Coffee An for July 28, 2023

Sue Tessier-McKenzie from The Call, Cindy Johnston, Finance Director of Woonsocket & Dave Richards join Joe Callahan.

Coffee An for July 27, 2023

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